Early treatment

Taking your child to a Specialist Orthodontist as early as possible can help fix any smile problems they have before they become more serious.

The earlier you can address any problems with your child's teeth and jaws, the less likely they will need to undergo extensive or expensive treatments in the future - and the sooner they’ll have a stunning smile to show off!

Your child's first orthodontic visit

If you're wondering how soon you should take your child to an orthodontic evaluation, the Australian Society of Orthodontists recommends between the ages of 7 and 9. In most cases, Dr Foo doesn't recommend treatment until a child has all of his or her adult teeth (around age 12). However, he believes early treatment can benefit children on certain occasions.

Even younger children who aren't ready for treatment should also receive annual appointments to check their dental growth and ensure they can begin treatment at the opportune time.

 Your child's first orthodontic visit

How early treatment can help your child

It is a good idea to ask Dr. Foo what he will suggest before deciding whether it's best for your child to start treatment.

Dr. Foo only suggests two-phase treatment if it's the best approach. For younger patients who have clear indications for treatment, this treatment presents the opportunity to:

  • Influence jaw growth in a positive manner
  • Harmonise the width of the dental arches
  • Improve tooth eruption patterns
  • Lower the risk of trauma to protruding upper incisors
  • Correct harmful oral habits
  • Improve aesthetics
  • Simplify and/or shorten treatment time for later orthodontics
  • Reduce the likelihood of permanent impacted teeth
  • Improve some speech problems
  • Preserve or gain space for erupting permanent teeth

 How early treatment can help your child

Is it time for your child's first orthodontic evaluation?

Book an initial consultation with the team at Pymble Orthodontics so we can give your child the smile they deserve.

 Is it time for your child's first orthodontic evaluation?

Book your consultation today

You don’t need a referral to have an appointment with us. Here at Pymble Orthodontics, we offer two types of consultations - a free clear aligner assessment and a full orthodontic consultation - so you can find out exactly how you can benefit from orthodontic treatment.

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